A bit later then announced, we release today VirtueMart 2 RC2 (1.9.8). As easy to see on the statistics of http://www.ohloh.net/p/virtuemart, we reduced the codebase again. We redesigned all tables and use now the nooku conventions. We added more b2b capabilities. The RC2 should now also be hardened against SQL-Injection, XSS and code injection. VM2 is working with j1.6, but not designed for it, that means we do not activly use the new ACL features and simular.
Very interesting for veterans, which use virtuemart 1.1 is the migrator. It already imports the most important stuff. At some points it does not make sense to import old setting, because it would lead to a very bad configurated VirtueMart 2 shop and not using the new advantages and features. But it should be possible for small shops to migrate to vm2 within some hours.
The new release also contains already an update function done by akeeba release system, dont wonder that it shows you running virtuemart 1.9.8, the final should just get the number 2.0.0.
The new features as list:
- For faster and more secure programming we use now more abstract classes.
- Completly redesigned table layout.
- Added hooks for plugins (own views, own customer number system, and so on,...), look in the wiki for more information http://dev.virtuemart.net/projects/virtuemart/wiki/Plugin_system
- Added registering while checkout
- New backend design
- Hardened against hackers
- New js (jQuery to avoid Mootools incompatibility problems)
- Customfields for the computer/pizza configurator
- Real multicurrency, real currency format defined by currency
- Prices displaying configurable by shoppergroups (also rounding)
- Various sorting and searching options
- Update system using Akeeba Release System
(ARS, more information akeebabackup.com/software/akeeba-release-system.html)